Pratt Institute Research Yard

Pratt Institute Research Yard - Building 3, 7th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205

The Research Yard is a 20,000 square foot facility that brings together the research activities of Pratt Institute. “Building this advanced creative research facility just blocks from the Pratt campus and alongside the businesses and entrepreneurs at the Brooklyn Navy Yard is crucial for New York City and especially for the borough of Brooklyn,” said Pratt Institute President Frances Bronet. The Research Yard will expand on the Institute’s ongoing relationship with the Brooklyn Navy Yard, once an historic shipyard that is now a dynamic hub for technology, design, manufacturing, and interdisciplinary innovation in New York. Pratt initially conceived of the concept of the Research Yard in 2018. The open plan facility includes fabrication labs as well as research centers and accelerators that include: information visualization, community development, climate adaptation, design incubation, and digital archaeology.

 Learn more about our host institute by clicking here.


Pratt GAUD | Governors Island

Governors Island in New York City - Nolan Park - House 14.

The Pratt School of Archi­tec­ture Depart­ment of Grad­u­ate Archi­tec­ture and Urban Design began the Governors Island ini­tia­tive in Fall 2019. Using var­i­ous sites through­out the Island, stu­dents and fac­ul­ty are active­ly study­ing issues of cli­mate change on the built envi­ron­ment through the devel­op­ment of pro­to­types that have appli­ca­tion beyond the Island itself.

Exhi­bi­tions, work­shops, talks, test­ing and pro­to­typ­ing allow the stu­dents of Pratt to share work with the pub­lic and use the site and its sur­round­ings as a liv­ing lab­o­ra­to­ry of design research.

View current ferry schedule to and from the island by clicking here.